Welcome to my first blog attempt to bring SPRED development and program growth to the 21st
Century. We have arrived albeit a bit behind the rest of the world but we are here nonetheless.
Heading off on this voyage, it is my hope to share some insights, anecdotes and latest information relating to SPRED. Catechists, I look to you for feedback to steer me toward topics of interest that will inspire all of us. I still have much to learn in this blogging process but hope that this can be an effective and timely way of addressing topics that hit close to home.
So off we go! I have a couple of thoughts I'd like to share with you.
May is here. Where did this year go? For most of us, the SPRED season is drawing to a close. This month Parish Chairpersons will be gathering at their annual spring planning meetings to do their very important work of connecting with one another. These evenings ensure the stability of present groups and provide the foundation for new groups. May is Support your Parish Chairperson Month!
Many groups are closing their year with beautiful masses to celebrate their spirit of communion. Friends are looking forward to summer events with you. What a happy time it is for our friends just grabbing some delicious ice cream together or sitting in the park enjoying music, nature and your company. These activities become the happy experiences that are later shared in the Celebration Room. I salute all of you who happily engage your friends in summer activities.
Century. We have arrived albeit a bit behind the rest of the world but we are here nonetheless.
Heading off on this voyage, it is my hope to share some insights, anecdotes and latest information relating to SPRED. Catechists, I look to you for feedback to steer me toward topics of interest that will inspire all of us. I still have much to learn in this blogging process but hope that this can be an effective and timely way of addressing topics that hit close to home.
So off we go! I have a couple of thoughts I'd like to share with you.
May is here. Where did this year go? For most of us, the SPRED season is drawing to a close. This month Parish Chairpersons will be gathering at their annual spring planning meetings to do their very important work of connecting with one another. These evenings ensure the stability of present groups and provide the foundation for new groups. May is Support your Parish Chairperson Month!
Many groups are closing their year with beautiful masses to celebrate their spirit of communion. Friends are looking forward to summer events with you. What a happy time it is for our friends just grabbing some delicious ice cream together or sitting in the park enjoying music, nature and your company. These activities become the happy experiences that are later shared in the Celebration Room. I salute all of you who happily engage your friends in summer activities.

By now many of you know about the exceptional recognition of our Founding SPRED Staff being selected to receive the 2013 Laetare Medal from Notre Dame University. They are in prestigious company. This is such an important honor to bestow on our very deserving founders for their dedication these past 50 years to our special Friends.
Gathering the wisdom of theologians, educators and various professionals, the SPRED Staff created something monumental: a program that serves and enriches everyone who participates in it.
From its humble beginning, the stories of parents, the generosity and dedication of volunteers, and personal interaction with our Friends has shaped an understanding of how one can grow in an awareness of God and has fueled the SPRED Staff's dedication to this ministry. Fr. Jim, Sr. Mary Therese and Sr. Sue continue to shape this wonderful experience for all of us and mentor new volunteers helping SPRED to grow. We who share in this life giving endeavor are lifted up by this recognition given to the SPRED staff. It is long overdue.
The Laetare Medal is being awarded at Notre Dame's Commencement in South Bend on May 19th. I plan on being there. When the people and work I have so proudly been connected with for these 35 years are being honored, I have to be there. There is a youtube video of the award being given. Check it out.
To read more on the Laetare Medal, click here: http://news.nd.edu/news/38187-laetare/
Gathering the wisdom of theologians, educators and various professionals, the SPRED Staff created something monumental: a program that serves and enriches everyone who participates in it.
From its humble beginning, the stories of parents, the generosity and dedication of volunteers, and personal interaction with our Friends has shaped an understanding of how one can grow in an awareness of God and has fueled the SPRED Staff's dedication to this ministry. Fr. Jim, Sr. Mary Therese and Sr. Sue continue to shape this wonderful experience for all of us and mentor new volunteers helping SPRED to grow. We who share in this life giving endeavor are lifted up by this recognition given to the SPRED staff. It is long overdue.
The Laetare Medal is being awarded at Notre Dame's Commencement in South Bend on May 19th. I plan on being there. When the people and work I have so proudly been connected with for these 35 years are being honored, I have to be there. There is a youtube video of the award being given. Check it out.
To read more on the Laetare Medal, click here: http://news.nd.edu/news/38187-laetare/